Troughs and feed tables


Polymer concrete feed tables are manufactured to individual order. They are also included in our regular offer. Polymer concrete is an environmentally friendly composite material that is widely used in industry and its properties are also appreciated in agriculture.

Polymer concrete feed tables are manufactured to individual order. They are also included in our regular offer. Polymer concrete is an environmentally friendly composite material that is widely used in industry and its properties are also appreciated in agriculture.

Animal feed is one of the most expensive materials in the production of milk and herd breeding, so it is worth equipping your farm with high-quality feeders which will allow for more reasonable and economical use of feed, as well as provide the animals with the optimal amount of feed enabling their quick and healthy growth.Upon individual request, we make polymer concrete troughs, which They can also be found in our regular offer. The troughs are made from an environmentally friendly composite material, widely used in the agricultural sector.

All organic animal breeders are aware of the importance of proper surface care. Bacteria that reproduce in leftover feed can nest in the corners of feeders and troughs, then enter the animals' digestive tract and cause disease. Meat, milk and eggs from such animals are not allowed for organic trade, which significantly reduces the value of the animal and its products, consequently increasing the balance of breeding costs. That’s why feed troughs should be made of materials that are easy to clean and provide easy access to the feed, while meeting breeding and legal requirements.


We make polymer concrete gutters, because we believe that it is the best solution for farms, which allows for significant savings and the introduction of a greener, more modern technological system.